Dream dream..dream my child;
Of polished tongues.."tie"d necks;
Of manic streets and their tainted tents.
Covenant of corpses..youth too mild.

Learn learn..learn my child;
The poet is a fool..the singer a lier.
Lifes' a prison..Heavens' a lie;
The grass is red..where angels dare not fly.

Walk walk..walk my child;
Ain't no drifters paradise..
Walk into the obvious..or monotone as I say.
Or into your desires..for then, "live" you may.

Beware beware..beware my child;
Of urban sting..when hypocrites sing.
Of judgmental coats and their naked ego.
Smile and let leave..for its you,my "unlabeled" king.

Hold hold..hold my child;
The antique book of innocence,
Dipped in the quicksand of souls.
Twist the words in between..then never crawl; but roll.

Fill fill..fill my child;
Your heart..and, your mind with vengeance..
Avenge your birth..Your mutilated choice;
To be born..or left dead.

1 comment:

Hi..leave ur heart here..