ultimate fling...

d wreck of man''s desire ends either among d wanton herd searching fr a new meadow everyday, or in d cages of memory , while lady-o-cause-of-dis-nightmare smiles..fr she has done her job..

[3D Max, render time--6 min, Intel Atom processor, created on 9th Feb 2009 FOR 14TH FEB 2009]

Blue Hotel...

i meet her in my dreams..every night..
and wake up; to reach for hands... that are not there..
love is a twinkle in her eyes.. lost in a sunset..
promising an agonizing morn....
forever torn apart; from the haunting fears of my heart...
fragments lay littered...in my empire of dirt..
bitter seeds of pink memories..  
breeding thorny weeds...and the end of a few impossible stories..
starry dreams..the star too bright..lost my sight..
the joker..the fool..and an impossible quest..
in the process..lost my wings..and my nest..
the remains of my ruined desire...
dim...gray..in half lights..will never tire..
stay well my angel..stay angel..